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This is our written biography. We are a duo working with interpretations of design, architecture and urbanism into the ground level of the city. In other words, we make the effort to keep the process open to give space and voice to the actors involved, related and targeted in our projects. We acknowledge that words (and so narratives) are a shared economy and in whatever we design we want to expose it. So we have already incorporated and combined elements from fashion, historiography and social sciences in our practice. “Studio Huge” started in 2016 in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil and is now based in Rotterdam, NL. It is transforming into a platform for communicating people to (more-than) people through design, through the process, along the journey of composing whatever is interpelling our minds. We believe we need to find other ways of collectiveness to deal with structural issues - we mean, the planetary. We take the risk to leave a trace with our gesture and engage with the possibility to stay a little longer to hopefully find more bumps in our way. Hence, we meet more people, join our collective intelligence, invest in ecological thinking and compose other possible worlds. This situation forces us to collaborate. But how to collaborate? In our work, we hope to stimulate discussion and debate about the social, cultural and ethical implications of existing and emerging complex systems intertwining technology, space and the environment. In the end, we hope our collective endeavours meet emancipatory gains in this very complicated relationship with the current constraining capitalism mindset. To invite us for coffee or to contact us send an e-mail to or use the form below.

energy as a spatio-temporal project
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