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"Slow down" chair 


As a studio focused on the priciples of human, singular and handmade, the experience itself was quite grateful because we could create in the end an environment where things and people were surrounded by memories and lifelong processes. 

The goal was to combine the character of concrete and fabric in a solid/but flexible and wrinkled/but heavy surface. 

There is a steel support as the bottom part that we designed with a help of a kind locksmith. There were 12 of them (which after we sold to friends that were on the celebration). 



The context of this project was our marriage in May 2018 and the reason for doing some pieces of furniture including this chair was the desire to do experiments with materials that were `at hand` and at heart, like fabric and concrete. Also, the celebration itself was a symbolid day of a longer process and so we wanted to materialize (somehow)  this process through this furniture. As a piece of rememberance.

Rio de Janeiro, Brazil - 2018


Part of the process was documented here: 

(in Portuguese)

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